Use Anki language learning flashcards to learn smarter and faster.

We make digital Anki language learning flashcards based on scientific research, so you can learn languages faster and hassle-free.

Trusted by thousands of language learners, our Anki decks have been proven to help you learn a language in 3 main areas: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. All our digital flashcards are compatible with Anki.

Learn in 3 steps with our flashcards and get to B2 level fluency.

The leading brand for language learning Anki flashcards.

Over thousands of Anki flashcard decks sold to language learners all over the world.

Save time creating cards

Save time creating cards with our pre-made flashcards so you can focus on learning.

Learn the fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals including the alphabet, IPA, the top 2000 words and grammar.

Long-Term Memorization

Use Anki’s Spaced Repetition algorithm to retain what you learn better and for the long-term.

No tech skills needed

Our Anki flashcards come ready to use. Just download, install and start learning.

Based on Research

Scientifically proven by research studies and developed by Anki language experts.

Personalized Learning

Review flashcards you find most difficult and focus on what you need to learn.

Most Popular Bundles

Vocabulary Bundle

Includes 500 Picture Words, Top 2000 & Common Phrases Flashcards


Pronunciation Bundle

Includes Alphabet, IPA and Minimal Pairs Flashcards


Shop by Flashcard Type

Shop by Language

Spanish (Latin American)FrenchGermanItalianPolishDutchEnglish (USA/UK)

Our secret? We did extensive research to create the best flashcards.

There are many ways to learn a language, however, what method is truly effective in helping learners achieve fluency and proficiency? Research studies shows that Anki is effective in language acquisition.

Yes there are other apps or flashcard decks out there. But they are often not based on research, do not focus on word frequency, or have poor quality images and audios.

At Speakada, we’ve done extensive research to make the best Anki flashcards to learn pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure our flashcards get any learner from A0 to B2 level.

Learn More

Trusted by linguists, professionals, and everyday language learners alike.

Hear from the hundreds of language learners who use our Anki decks and love them!

This is great! I gave up learning Italian last year because I just couldn’t handle making my own cards. I absolutely despised creating my own. It was like a full-time job. So for your cards to get me to 90% — I think I can get there (finally)!”

Douglas von Kohorn – CEO & Founder of Rhombus

“I really like the Anki system but it is a bit complicated and I don’t have a lot of time to figure out how to add all the different components. If you can help me get half the way there then my Swedish will improve dramatically I am sure.

Alexandra McGuigan – Global Development Director for 100 Women in Finance

“Trying to create my own ANKI deck, I found it time consuming and boring. I chose you because I wanted convenience, I dont have time to make the deck myself and you did a much better job. This is why I loved the 650 deck and now the 2000 deck.”

Tim J. – Chief Product Officer in Netherlands

Focus on Learning & Save Hours of Your Time With Anki Language Learning Flashcards

Did you know it takes on average 3 minutes to create just 1 card. Many language learners will end up creating over 2000 cards to reach A2 level, a total of 100 hours spent on card creation alone. This doesn’t include sourcing images, native audios, learning how to use Anki and studying the cards.

Language learning should be fun and hassle-free. That’s why we’ve created pre-made flashcards to speed up the process so you can focus on learning the language. Our pre-made decks come with everything you need including native audios and images. Just download, install and start learning today!

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how anki works to learn a language better
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